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Vibra receives renewable energy certificate

Awarded annually, the important Comerc-Sinerconsult Renewable Energy Certificate recognizes companies for using energy sources that are encouraged by the government, such as wind, solar, photovoltaic, biomass or even that from Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPs). ).

Created to encourage clean consumption among consumers and help raise environmental awareness in society, in addition to following international standards, the certification records electricity consumption from renewable energy sources. In this way, it works as a global system for tracking energy environmental attributes, being considered the most reliable way to recognize energy consumption from renewable sources.

“Certification is a way of sharing with customers and society what the decision to consume energy from renewable sources represents in terms of environmental responsibility”, says Marcos Elienai Rambor, from the Engineering and Maintenance area. “More than simply reducing the cost of energy, migration allows choosing a source that also reduces environmental impacts. With the condition of hiring sources encouraged by special consumers, the search for the economy started to promote something very important: the growth of clean alternative sources in the country, in addition to other benefits.”

Among these benefits are:

  • Know the real impact of the company on the emissions that cause global warming;
  • Contribute to sustainable development through actions for better operational performance;
  • Create a business environment favorable to the minimization of future regulatory risk arising from the policy to combat climate change;

It is worth noting that recognition only takes place after carrying out calculations according to the methodology of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHC), whose objective is to encourage the corporate culture of inventory of GHG emissions in Brazil for an agenda to face climate change in organizations, in addition to providing instruments and international quality standards for the accounting of emissions and the publication of inventories. Thus, the calculations made according to this methodology point to the reduction of emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

Vibra has the Comerc-Sinerconsult Renewable Energy Certificate since 2012, when the migration to the free energy market began.

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